Secure Information Exchange for Your Agency

When you work with clients who are storing highly sensitive information, it’s essential that your company is able to trust a secure data exchange. With a strong security posture and regular security training, you will reduce the risk of your client’s personal information being stolen by malicious individuals or compromised in the transfer process to a new service provider. This will help you safeguard the trust of your clients and ensure compliance with a variety of regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA and CCPA.

Secure information exchange is the use of digital technology that permit secure transfer of documents between companies and their customers or clients over the internet in a safe way. Typically, these transfer services don’t require the recipient to sign up for an account or install any software to download files. They use distribution protocols that do not reveal the user ID or location they are a good alternative to messaging and email.

A secure document exchange platform is a convenient and secure way for companies to share large files, like PDFs, with clients. This is especially important for those who must communicate information that is confidential or private like healthcare professionals with their patients or financial institutions with their customers. Secure file transfer solutions permit professionals to send documents with confidence while also providing accountability and transparency to administrators. The Thru solution is a great example of this kind of security solution that is affordable and easy to implement.

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